2014 – A Look Back

2014 Living Easy

New Years Eve already! I guess it’s true what they say – time certainly flies when you’re having fun. For me this year has been so busy that I haven’t had much time to reflect. So before we dive in to another brand spanking New Year, I wanted to take a quick look back at my year that was 2014.

I started 2014 at home in Ireland, back in our house close by family. I started a new job, met new friends and was busy catching up with my old one’s (not in age of course!). Busy keeping fit, I was running in The Curragh and hiking in the Wicklow Mountains at weekends. Now today, I’m closing out 2014 living back in Toronto, having some friends over for drinks in our apartment. I’m back working in my old job and kept busy decorating our apartment, and catching up with some old friends.

2014 was certainly a year of great change, we picked up and moved from Ireland back to Canada. Some people asked how we could make another big move so fast. But it was the right choice for many different reasons and while it is tough and stressful moving your life to another country. It was made so much easier as Toronto at this stage is more like a home away home. We know the city, we have great friends and we have a great life here too.

That being said I’m so happy that we did go back to Ireland, even if it was for only one year. We were there to celebrate friend’s weddings and of that they were plenty! We were there to welcome new babies. Family dinners, spending time catching up with my sisters, friends, cousins, nephews, nieces and my gorgeous godchildren. I got to spend time with our family dog’s, and was there when the oldest sadly Misty passed away. We also lost our Gran Aunt, who reached the grand old age of 103 and a half. I was delighted that I was there to celebrate her last birthday, spend time her and of course be there for her funeral to say the final goodbye.

We made the most of all our time in Ireland, and travelled the length and breath of the Country! We discovered so many places that people I met whilst in Canada, had raved about! Strange how sometimes we don’t pay as much attention to the sights that are so close to home. But there is no place like Ireland, beautiful and so hospitable. And now I can even say it – oh so green!

Moving back to Canada has been a blast too, our first weekend back we got to spend with friends in a cottage by the lake. Celebrated birthdays and tonight we’ll ring in 2014 and toast to the year ahead 2015.

If anything, I’ve learnt over the past year that you never know what’s around the corner. So be present, make the most of every minute, spend the time with those who matter and of course enjoy yourself! Some decisions and choices although they may be tough, if it’s the right one for you – you will always find a way to make it happen!!

So a Happy New Year!!

And to all my readers, thanks for stopping by my blog. I don’t say it often, but genuinely it’s much appreciated. x